Hello world!

I’ve never had a desire to publicly air my laundry, dirty or clean. Here I am, however. Let me start by saying I am not here, in this blogosphere, to air my dirty laundry……you’re welcome by the way.  I’m here for a couple of reasons.

1. I’m doing my husband a favor by venting “expressing myself” here, and not in his ear.

2. I want to find my passion. (no, really, I do!)

On a serious note, I once heard a caller on the radio say, “Through pain, you find your passion.” Blogging, I’m pretty certain, is not going to be my passion. Its my hope that what happens here will lead me to my passion, whatever that is.

My blog doesn’t have a theme, or a focus. It’s just me, most likely sitting on the couch with a Dr. Pepper “airing my laundry,” or “venting.” Which ever you prefer.

Some upcoming posts that I’ve already been thinking of include:

1. Stupid INFERTILITY, did I mention it was stupid?

2. Being a firefighter’s wife

3. The randomness of working with kids

4. Life before, during and after the loss of a child. (One day closer to Emma)

I am by no means an expert on any of the above topics, however I’m proud to have experience with some and unfortunately know too much about others that I wished I didn’t.

Prayerful and Present
